Paul's Frugal Funge Page

"Just what is Funge?" you may ask yourself. The answer to that has a long answer, a short answer, and a very long answer.

Short Answer: A programming language. This answer is here for people like my sister and mother who think that computers should work without intervention. Unfortunately, very few of us can afford the mind reading computers. You may not want to read the other answers if this is your belief.

Long Answer: Most computer languages execute in a fairly dull manner. The instructions are executed down, with jumps to subroutines and a few loops. Funge, on the other hand, executes in any (all) directions, and easily changes that direction. Funge is also a self-modifying language, which means that the code that is running can be changed while it's running! It is a stack based, multidimensional, multidirectional, self-modifying computer language (usually interpreted). The latest specifications are for Funge 98.

Really Long Answer: Go to, they are the place to go for information on Funge. is down, and it doesn't look the site will be going back up there. I found an alternate; however, the link on the site don't work quite right.

I have completed (or at least almost completed) a Befunge 98 interpreter in JavaScript! It does not currently work on any browser but Netscape Navigator, and I've only tested it on version 4.5. If it does work for you and you're using another browser, please e-mail me at

My current project is object oriented Funge, or at least something in the spirit of Funge that is object oriented. The current specs are incomplete, but are none the less available for you to comment on. I wrote it in Lotus Word Pro, but I did export it to Word 95. The Word version can be opened in Wordpad... is looks terrible though. I will eventualy write an interpreter for it, probably in C++. If you want to help, just e-mail me, I'll need all the help I can get since neither OOF nor C++ is not my native language

Try out PJSF (my interpreter) on any programs you have written yourself, or take a look at some of the programs that I've written to learn. If something doesn't work right, and you're absolutely sure it's not your mistake (hard to tell sometimes), take a look over the documentation for PJSF. If it's a new problem, e-mail me the source (and a description of what it's supposed to do and how). If you want, sign the guestbook... I have yet to figure out its use though.

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Last updated: February 20, 2000
Hits: 1160