Object Oriented Funge


This is an attempt to create an object orient language in the spirit of Funge. The features that I think will be in it that are in Funge98 are:

Fingerprints; however, are handled differently and are not dynamically loaded at this point. The extra features that this OOFTLUN will have are:


The specification (ZIP) of the language so far. It was written in Lotus, then exported to Word, so the formatting is messed up in Word. The state of the specifications is very unstable and incomplete. It exists to give a taste of what my vision of OOFTLUN will be. It will remain in its current state until I am done coding the basic classes in C++. After this is done, I will have a much better idea of what I am able to program in to the interpreter, and what sort of instructions are necessary. I don't imagine that much but the instructions will change.


The first implemetation will probably not run very quickly. An earlier project involving treFunge (three dimensional Funge 98), is a slightly less efficient version of the kind of algorithms I am using now. It executed about 50 instructions per second on my computer.

Updated by: Dufflebunk
Last updated: March 1, 2000
Hits since March 1, 2000: 1640